Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stop, Just Stop!

Our eyes and ears have logarithmic responses. That is to say that we respond naturally to twice the light intensity, or twice the pitch of a sound, or twice the volume.

This explains the octave in music. The same goes for the eye.

A stop in photography represents a doubling of the light.

Memorize this.

Now recall the basic equation:

Luminous Energy ∝ L × r2 × t

As a general rule, L is what it is. Whether you have a brightly lit garden, or a candlelit dinner, you have no control over it. What you can control however are r and t. So what would it take to double the light?

Well, you can either double the time, or increase the radius by √2.

If you understand this, you will understand the f-stop system which goes as 1.0, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, etc. They are each increasing by exactly √2. (If you don't understand this statement, we will go into the f-stop stuff in gory detail later.)

Many many photographers do not grasp this. How a stop represents both increasing time, or dialing "down" the aperture. Is it time, or is it aperture?

The answer is both! You increase total light energy by letting more in.

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